When you think you are placing an order with a REAL florist, you may be placing your order with someone in the USA or even in another country.There are also florists out there telling you they are in a certain town and actually they are not, so they can just gather your order and transmit it to a real florist to do the work or they will ship it directly through their farms.
Let’s take Pro Flowers for instance. They make you believe what your order comes already pre arranged in the vase for you, but actually they are shipped to you in a box and you have to assemble them yourself. Imagine your ordering from them for a friend’s funeral and you find the arrangement in a box by your friend’s casket! Can you imagine how you would feel?
Many times when they say they are shipped directly through their farms, then the flowers are shipped by courier to the recipient. What will happen to that order if the recipient is not home? They will leave those box flowers by the door in minus 0 weather or really warm weather. How would these flowers look? Dead as a door nail.

That is why only a real florist can send and receive your order and take care of your order the right way. You may be one of the lucky ones who did receive flowers in a box that was all right, but why take the chance on a gift to celebrate a special occasion. Also often many of those people will charge you a service fee of $13.95 or more to take care of your order. They may charge you a special fee for early morning delivery or rush delivery but won’t give the full total (full dollar amount) to a real florist that will do the job.
Why would you want to trust that special arrangement to some guy sitting behind a computer terminal that doesn't know a gerbera from a gigabyte?
Here are a few tips to look for when you place an order online. Start your search at http://www.411/. Type Florist and the name of the town in the business section. Look for a florist name that has a full address for that town. There is a chance that is a real florist. But wait, double-check your information, take the name of that florist and Google it and see if they have a web site. Look under “About us” and see if they advertise a real address. We have tons of information about ouf staff on there. If they do not, they are not a real florist. Also if you where to call the numbers and they answer “Flower Shop” with no true name of said shop (red flag) this is a good indication of an order gatherer rather than a local ‘Real Florist’. They also have multiple web sites to fool you. I can talk about this subject for hours and hours, but it comes down to this, only a real florist will take care of your order.
Thank you for thinking before you buy