Saturday, November 12, 2011

I Love Amaryllis

The amaryllis is, I think, the most beautiful and dramatic of our flowering bulbs. We are so fortunate to be able to grow these amazing flowering bulbs in garden beds. If we have the know how.

In colder regions, like lets say New England, amaryllises must be grown in containers, as they would freeze during the winter if planted in the ground.

The amaryllis belongs to the genusHippeastrum, which, oddly enough, translates as "horse star." Those we grow today are mostly hybrids of several species native to South America.

Dormant bulbs are readily available now, and they can become a long-lasting part of your landscape. The bulbs that you purchase now, however, must be handled specially during the winter.

When they are dried and forced into dormancy for shipping purposes, the bulbs are triggered to bloom during the winter, rather than the spring.

If you plant bulbs you purchase now outside into the garden, they may send up their flower stalks this winter, this will kill the bulb. What a waste of such a stately flower.

Growing amaryllis indoors

Even if you intend to plant them in your garden eventually, amaryllis bulbs purchased now should be planted into pots.

Use a good-quality potting soil and plant the bulb with the neck that protrudes from the top of the bulb above the soil surface.

The pot should be large enough so that there is about a 1-inch clearance between the pot rim and the bulb. Clay or plastic pots may be used. Since an amaryllis in bloom can be somewhat top-heavy, clay pots provide a little more stability. You can also buy them pre-planted in pots ready to grow. These bulbs can be of lesser quality if they are not clearly marked as being Dutch bulbs.

Place the pot indoors in a sunny window (the more sun the better) and keep the soil evenly moist.

When the flower stalk begins to emerge, rotate the pot about one-half turn every few days so it will grow straight. Otherwise, it will grow toward the window and look awkward.

If you provide your amaryllis with too little light, the flower stalk will grow excessively tall and may even fall over. Trust me this is heartbreaking.

This time of year, flowering generally occurs about 7 to 10 weeks after planting. Some large bulbs will produce two flower stalks if you are lucky.
Sometime after the flower stalk has emerged, leaves will grow from the top of the bulb. After the flowers have faded, cut the stalk at the point where it emerges from the bulb, but do not cut any foliage.

Keep the plant inside, and continue to provide plenty of light, or the leaves will be weak. Water it regularly when the soil begins to feel dry, but it is not really necessary to fertilize your amaryllis during this time.

When April arrives, or the first complete thaw whichever comes later, it's time to plant your bulbs into the garden. Amaryllis planted in the garden this coming spring will get into their natural cycle and bloom each year in April. Clearly mark where you have planted each bulb as they will have to be dug up each fall.

Care in the landscape

If you are growing amaryllis in your garden now, you know just how carefree they are. They thrive in any reasonably good garden soil, as long as drainage is good.

A spot that receives part sun (about six hours of direct sun and then shade in the afternoon) is the ideal location, but I have seen amaryllis thrive in full sun to part shade.

Amaryllis bulbs are planted with the narrow top of the bulb, or "neck," exposed above the soil surface. Do not plant the bulbs too deep, or flowering will decrease. Bulbs are generally spaced about 8 inches apart and show best in the garden when planted in clumps of three or more. Mulch the bed to provide a place for moisture to be held for the bulbs.

Once planted and established, use a light sprinkling of a general-purpose fertilizer in June and early fall and watering during unusually dry weather is all they need.

Beds should be mulched with an inch or two of pine straw, leaves or other similar material to help reduce weeds and conserve moisture.

Although it is necessary to dig and store amaryllis bulbs in the fall each year, this can be a good thing. Clumps of bulbs can become overcrowded, and fall is a good time to divide them. Amaryllis bulbs produce offsets or small bulbs from their base that grow larger each year. Over a number of years, the crowding of the bulbs may cause a decrease in flowering, due to competition.

Dividing amaryllis

If needed, divide your amaryllis now by lifting the clumps of bulbs carefully, so as not to damage the bulbs in the process. Try to get most of the roots attached to the bulbs. I like to use a garden fork, as it will not cut through the roots.

Separate off the smaller bulbs from the larger bulbs, and put them in two piles. Trim off any yellow or unhealthy foliage, but leave healthy, green foliage attached.

While the bulbs are out of the bed, take the opportunity to turn the soil and then incorporate some compost, rotted manure or peat moss to enrich the soil.

Store all bulbs for the winter in a dry, dark environment with plenty of air flow. I like to make a sinle layer of bulbs at the bottom of a plastic milk crate. Using serveral milk crates if needed. I store mine in the most dry section of an unfinished basement. 

The smaller bulbs can  later be planted into another area where you want amaryllis, or given to friends. Some may bloom next spring or in the next year or two, depending on their size. This is the most common method of propagating amaryllis.

Purchase amaryllis bulbs now to brighten your home during the holiday season, but don't forget that they can become a wonderful part of your garden as well.

One other point; potted amaryllis bulbs in bud or bloom are popular gifts for the holidays. If you think you might be giving some as gifts, keep this column handy and include a copy with each gift amaryllis you give.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Carey's Flowers Thanksgiving Flowers Cheer Those Left Alone At the Holidays

Not every Thanksgiving is delightful. For those left alone on Thanksgiving Day, this holiday can be a turkey – and not the kind that's roasted. Fortunately, there's a way to make this festival of gratitude better for “orphans” – namely, by sending them Thanksgiving flowers.

Not every Thanksgiving is delightful. For those left alone on Thanksgiving Day, this holiday can be a turkey – and not the kind that's roasted. Fortunately, there's a way to make this festival of gratitude better for “orphans” – namely, by sending them Thanksgiving flowers.

“Thanksgiving is traditionally a family holiday,” explains Seth Carey, COO and President of “It can get a bit lonely when you're far from your loved ones. The luckier 'orphans' get invited to friends' celebrations, but that doesn't always happen. For everyone else, we suggest sending Thanksgiving flowers as a way to connect and include them from far away.”

Traditional Thanksgiving flowers come in golds, bronze and yellows, but any flower arrangement will do the trick. Bright yellows and oranges are good colors for bringing cheer, the primary objective when sending to someone stuck alone on Thanksgiving Day. While Carey's Flowers does offer same-day delivery, that doesn't extend to major holidays. Planning ahead is required.

“When you surprise someone with Thanksgiving flowers, you're telling them you're there with them in spirit,” says Mr. Carey. “The blues can quickly overtake a person left alone on the holidays. Anything you can do to help the lonely, to keep in touch, is going to be welcome. If you make the gesture and order the flower arrangement, we can take care of the rest.”

Carey's Flowers has been delivering Thanksgiving flowers as well as taking care of all other flower needs for 99 years now. We can handle whatever it is you need.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Are all orchids hard to grow? ~ Not reallly ! !

It's true that some orchids can challenge the most skillful gardener, but a number of orchids are simple to grow. My favorite in the simple to grow category is the phalaenopsis or moth orchid.

Phalaenopsis flowers are borne on stalks above large waxy leaves. Flowers are about 2 inches across and are shaped like a moth. My phalaenopsis orchids begin blooming about November, and the flowers can last until May. Stalks can hold 15 or more blooms, but seven or eight is more likely. Colors range from pure white through pink and deep lavender.

I grow phalaenopsis orchids in a bark medium (chunks of bark), which takes a little getting used to. It makes you want to water frequently, because it is hard to understand how the plants can absorb enough water and nutrients from it. The advantage of bark is that it drains well, so you can hardly over water.

Dendrobium, cattleyas and oncidium orchids also are fairly easy to grow. Apply these tips listed below from the Alamo Orchid Society for growing those varieties and phalaenopsis.

Light: Bright light from an east- or south-facing window is ideal. Avoid midday sun. Too much direct sunlight will burn an orchid; too little results in weak, dark green leaves and no flowers.

Temperature: Orchids are comfortable when you are. Perfect temperatures are 55-65 degrees at night and 70-85 degrees during the day.

Water: Water when the growing medium is nearly dry.

Humidity: Many orchids are native to tropical and subtropical areas with high humidity. To simulate those conditions, place the pot on a saucer full of moistened pebbles. Do not allow the bottom of the container to sit in water.

Fertilize: Orchids experts say, "Fertilize weakly weekly." Apply a diluted (¼ strength) balanced fertilizer such as a 20-20-20 after each watering (don't fertilize dry medium). Water without fertilizer once a month to leach accumulated salts.

Grooming: Cut spent flowers at the stem with clean, sharp scissors. Remove flower stems when they've dried up.

Repotting: Orchids grow better when their roots are pot-bound, but repot when plants have obviously outgrown the container. Repot when the growing medium breaks down. Do not repot while plants are in bloom.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Starting early spring gardens now

Spring almost requires that gardeners have a few blooming bulbs in front door flower beds, in outdoor pots and on windowsills.

Now that cooler weather and soil are settling in, it is a perfect time to get going on bulb projects. In our area we can plant garlic, allium, tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, fritillaria, crocus, squill, snowdrops and others, as long as the ground has not yet frozen.

The prettiest displays are planted in groups rather than in rows. To plant an entire bed, the bulbs can be tossed and planted where they land so there will be clusters of flowers with spaces in between.

Plant bulbs twice their length. For example a 1.5-inch tall bulb is planted in a 3-inch deep hole.

Plant Oriental and Asiatic lilies three times their depth because they root along the stems. Madonna lily is planted with the top of the bulb at the top of the hole.

Be sure that the fat end of the bulb is actually sitting on soil. A planting hole dug with a trowel or shovel can have an empty place at the bottom. Water can accumulate there and rot the bulb over the winter.

Interplant bulbs with biennials, perennials or creeping plants that will cover the fading stems after the flowers fade in the late spring.

Plant bulbs practically touching when you plant layers of them in pots or tubs. Put a few inches of soil in the bottom of the container and top with bulbs. Add 2 inches of soil and more bulbs. If you want the entire pot to bloom at once plant all one bulb type.

A 6-inch pot will hold six tulips and three hyacinths. Some gardeners plant pansies or grass seed on the top of the pot to hold the soil and add to the spring display.

Plant bulbs you plan to move in plastic trays or crates buried in the ground. If moles and voles are a problem, plant bulbs in plastic berry baskets, wrap each bulb in plastic mesh or surround the bed with gravel. Entire pots can be sunk into the ground. Moth balls help keep the squirrels away for a few weeks. Scattered pine cones will keep cats out of the beds and pots.

Bulbs planted this year do not need fertilizer. Try to remember to fertilize them in the spring.

Gladiolus bloom later than daffodils and tulips but are planted at around the same time. Tall varieties may need support if they are in a windy spot so put stakes in place as you plant.

Their cut-flower blooming season can be extended if you plant them in groups a few weeks apart.

Bulbs should be weeded by hand since hoes and cultivators can damage them.

If you plan to force bulbs such as hyacinths and daffodils in the house, add a piece of horticultural (not barbecue) charcoal to the water to keep the water sweet. The charcoal will help prevent gnats and bulb rot.

Garlic planted now can be tucked in any flower or vegetable bed where the soil can be kept evenly moist. Buy planting garlic rather than the treated grocery store garlic. Plant the largest cloves to get the largest heads next summer.

Shade-loving Spanish bluebells grow to a foot tall with an abundance of blue flowers in the spring. Plant bulbs 3 inches deep. They will return for years if they are kept dry enough over the summer.

Snowdrops, Leucojum aestivum, grow 15 inches tall with a white, bell-shaped flower. This is a favorite in many gardens, as they can survive clay and shade as well as sand and sun.

Monday, October 17, 2011

How to say it with flowers

Duchess Kate Middleton's custom wedding bouquet had symbolic significance to the Royal family, and was in keeping with tradition.

You may not be royalty, but that should not stop you from emulating the royal family. Go ahead and take the lead from the Victorians who used flowers to express their feelings. Here's a list of different flowers and what they can mean. I say 'can' mean because if you hunt around on the internet you can find a thousand different meanings for the exact same flower. However we continue to get many questions about the meanings of flowers so I blog about it from time to time.

A quick peek at some flowers:

- Carnation implies affection. It's meant to be given to one's lover or partner.

- Chamomile means patience and attracts wealth.

- Chrysanthemum means cheerfulness and says that you're a wonderful friend.

- Daffodil means respect.

- Daisy is associated with innocence and carefree beauty.

- Forget-me-not stands for true love and lasting memories.

- Geranium (scented) implies a degree of preference.

- The Hibiscus flower signifies delicate and elegant beauty.

- Honeysuckle is all about generous and devoted affection.

- Hyacinth is associated with games, sports and rashness. You would be surprised to know that this flower is dedicated to Apollo.

- Iris is a flower that signifies faith, hope, wisdom and valor.

- Jasmine is a flower about amiability and it attracts wealth.

- Lily is a flower that helps keep unwanted visitors away.

- Marigold is a flower that comforts the heart and gives solace.

- Orchid is a symbol of love, beauty and refinement. Ideal to gift to a beautiful lady, it is also the Chinese symbol for many children.

- Poinsettias symbolize a degree of good cheer and great success Also known as the Christmas Star, it is said that this winter flower's association with Christmas comes from a Mexican legend.

- Red roses symbolize love So try gifting a bunch of red roses before you say those three words. However, some girls happen to find them boring.

White roses imply beauty.

In a nutshell

- Do not gift red roses to a family member like your cousin Sally

- Daffodils are the perfect bouquet for your mother,

- A bunch of daisies are the perfect flowers for your sister.

- Scented geraniums are ideal for the girl you have a crush on

- Marigolds are the perfect condolence flowers. Gift them to someone who has recently suffered an accident, illness or tragedy

- Chrysanthemums are the perfect flowers for a female friend when there are no romantic feelings involved

- Chamomile, jasmine and poinsettia attract success and wealth

- Barring the traditional (and cliché) red roses, other flowers that communicate LOVE are carnations, honeysuckle, and orchids.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A helpful little plant

The French Marigold flower is one of the more amazing ‘beneficial’ garden companions that will help a number of your garden plants to thrive with it’s potent pesticide-producing root system while also offering a rather strong aroma to confuse other pests.

I believe there may be some confusion out there (I know I was initially confused) about which Marigold to purchase or to grow from seed, in order to be the ‘right’ one to classify as a ‘French Marigold’ so as to be the most effective in the garden for it’s beneficial companion properties to certain plants. First don't look for the words ‘French Marigold’ to be included on the tag along with the name. Once you let that go you will be surprised to discover that there are allot of varieties that are French Marigold’s!

There are two basic types of Marigold’s, American and French, that make up most of the huge variety that is available out there. The French Marigold varieties are bushier, generally do not grow as tall and do not have really full flowered heads like the American varieties, but they do offer the most potent affect on repelling and eliminating underground nematodes while also confusing and repelling white flies and other insects with their strong odor.

Plant Marigolds everywhere in your garden. They will flower throughout the Summer and Fall, and maybe later if it doesn’t get too cold. They are particularly helpful to tomatoes, squash, broccoli, potatoes, and peppers. Apparently you should not plant Marigold’s along with beans. Unfortunately the Marigold is an annual, requiring re-seeding each year, although the affect of their root system is said to last for a few years afterward.

List of French Marigold varieties

Aurora Series

Bonanza Series


Boy O Boy Series

Brocade Mixed


Disco Series

Durango Series

Dwarf Bonanza Blend

French Brocade

Golden Gate Series

Golden Guardian

Ground Control

Gypsy Sunshine



Hero Series


Jacket Orange, Yellow

Janie Series

Jolly Jester

La Bamba

Lemon Drop

Little Hero Series



Mr. Majestic

Naughty Marietta


Pesche’s Gold

Petite Series

Queen Sophia

Red Marietta

Safari Series

Scarlet Sophie


Spanish Brocade

Sparky Mix

Striped Marvel

Spice Series


Yellow Boy

Happy Marigold-ing!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Be Careful for Mother's Day - a warning

When your grandmother wanted to send flowers to a friend, all it took was a brisk walk to the local flower shop or a call on the telephone. The florist would fill her order and if the delivery was in another town, he or she would call a florist there to fill the order. Both the florist and your grandmother were satisfied.

Poor Grandma. She didn’t have the advantage of ordering flowers from the 'Net' using one of the wire services such as Teleflora, 1-800 flowers, or one of the many others online that are happy to help with flower ordering. But was she really deprived?

How would you like it if every time you went to the local grocery store to shop you were met in the parking lot with a person that wanted to charge you almost 30 percent of the grocery cost to wheel a grocery cart into the store for you? I don’t think that person would have any takers. However, this happens every day when someone orders flowers from a wire service on the Internet. The service charges almost 30 percent of the customer cost to simply “wheel” the order into the flower shop. What’s the solution?

Simply use the florist’s own website to order from, or even better, call the florist directly (most shops have a 1-800 number). That way you can discuss what flowers are available, what you would like and get more value for your dollar.

But, isn’t it wonderful that the wire services have hundreds of choices on their websites?

Not really. No flower shop can afford to keep all the flowers on hand that would be required to make the diverse arrangements shown. Orders are often refused on that basis, or substitutions have to be made. Unfortunately, in the pictures shown on the wire services’ websites, all the flowers are pushed to the front to make the arrangements look larger. Did you ever wonder why every rose in an arrangement of a dozen roses can be seen from one side? Often, customers are disappointed with the arrangements seen on the Internet and as delivered, and the flower shops receive the blame. Misleading pictures and the loss of about 30 percent of the cost to the wire services are to blame. Caring flower shops often have to add extra flowers in the arrangements to make them look closer to the value the customer expects at their cost. But is there anything else to know about sending flowers?

Yes. Flowers shops can help you with sending flowers to another city. This can be a nice service if you like someone to do it for you, or don’t want the challenge of doing it yourself. However this service can cost up to a third of the order’s cost between wire service and the sending flower shop costs. If you’re 'Net' savvy, find a shop on the 'Net' and order directly from them.

If you are expecting flowers delivered (Mother’s Day is coming up) that are ordered from out of town, do your friends a favor and suggest they call a flower shop in town directly. Everyone wins and you will get a nicer arrangement for better value. Or call us at Carey's Flowers and ask us for a phone number of a local brick and mortar shop in that area that we have used and trust.

Remember! Anytime that a third party gets in between the flower shop and the customer, EVERYONE LOSES.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

WWII Letters to Wilma: 16 December, 1943

WWII Letters to Wilma: 16 December, 1943: "V-MAIL 438th AAA AW BN APO 515 % Postmaster, N.Y. Dec 16, 1943 England Wilma darling – Just for variety’s sake and perhap..."

Our address is 300 Newton St. South Hadley MA 01075, but this is cute as all get out.

I got an E-mail from a lovely woman where she explained "My Dad courted my Mom during WWII while she was at Mount Holyoke College. I thought you may find interesting this page of my blog which references his ordering an orchid (of some kind) in October, for delivery on November 23, 1943, since he knew he would ship out before then. I'm guessing it was the current owner's grandfather who sold him the orchid. By the way, my Dad was born in 1912, the year your business opened. Anyway, here's the address of the reference to Carey's:"

This stuff just lights up our world!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Funerl Flowers Mean So Much

We received this letter during our Valentines rush and it just made our collective day/week!   I asked permission to post the letter as it made us so proud. I as the blogger just couldn't resist sharing how much the flowers, you the customer, send to a funeral mean to the people involved. The name of the deceased has been changed.

To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Mary Hurley and I recently had two sympathy arrangements sent on behalf of my family and a separate one on behalf of my two daughters. (decedent's name= Jane Doe) I requested some purple and white flowers/colors for the "choice option."

It was a MOST INCREDIBLE arrangement I had ever seen. What a most suitable display of design and elegance. I was also astonished that, in the midst of this family's grief, so many of Mrs. Doe's children made a comment on how appropriate and thoughtful it was. It was displayed perfectly at the end of the receiving line. Mrs. Doe's daughter is the student council advisor in which both of my daughters are in her morning class. Mrs. Doe's daughter was moved to tears when she saw the flowers. "They're so beautiful! How precious to know your girls thought of me!!"

Mission accomplished.

The plant arrangement was also gorgeous and, for lack of a better word, "Hearty!" Pleasing to the eye and everlasting.

Thank you all very much for fulfilling my intent to send our heartfelt sympathy to the Doe family. You CAN say it with flowers, and your floral designers achieved my wishes above and beyond.

I cannot thank you enough!! I am now a Carey's customer for life, the talent and dependability is unsurpassed!!!!

With sincere gratitude,

Mary Hurley

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

 February: Flower of the month


White Cut Flower Iris
Wild Bearded Iris
It should come as no surprise that the iris's three upright petals symbolize faith, valor and wisdom. With its majestic purple hues and soaring slender stem, this dignified and graceful February birth flower dates back to Ancient Greece, when Iris, the messenger of the gods and the personification of the rainbow (the Greek word for Iris), acted as the link between heaven and earth. She was faster than the fastest wind and able to travel from the depths of the underworld, to the sea, and to the dry places we live in. She was known for her color and her ability to be anywhere.

What better name could have been given the humble plant we call iris today in her honor. A species so varied and colorful no one garden can contain them all. They can be found native in all areas of Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East. They can be found in the wettest of places, even fully living in water, to the driest rocky crags. They have found a home in every civilization that knew them--often with high regard and care. Let’s take a deeper look at some of the major varieties of iris available to the modern gardener today.



Juno – These are some of the easiest and best bulbous Iris to grow. Sadly, they are also one of the rarest iris in modern gardens today. They don’t like wet spots and grow in everything from clay to lose soils. Their plants give a strong resemblance to tiny corn plants. Almost all of them bloom in mid-spring and are crested. They all love full sun.


Louisiana Iris

Louisiana – By far my favorite iris, these lovelies grow in both semi-dry locations and right in the water. They will not bloom when conditions are dry for long periods of time but they can take short periods of dryness. In the right, rich, wet soil these iris take off and will quickly fill out their space. They bloom in mass and are stunning when you see them reflecting off the water.

Aril Iris

Aril – These are some of the hardest iris to grow outside of their native range. They are known for their rare beauty and the strange white marking on their seeds. They need fast draining soil and little to no water all summer long. They make their home in Israel and the Middle East. There are no photos of any aril iris in plant files that I could find – challenge anyone?

Reticulata iris

Reticulata – These are dwarf iris with big bold purple or blue blooms. They are from Turkey and like it on the dry side but will grow and multiply given half a chance. They are quite noticeable for their squareish flowers.

Bearded Iris

Bearded – The most common and the most colorful of all the iris branches are the bearded. They come in all heights, shapes, and almost all colors. These iris are the backbones of many old fashion American gardens.

Spuria Iris

Spuria – This iris blooms well in most parts of the country. They come from Southern Europe all the way to the mountains of Afghanistan. They have been grown for years in areas as varied as Japan and Rumania. 

Siberian Iris

Siberian – These are iris better suited to the colder Northern areas of the world. They don’t like heat and they thrive in the coldest of winters. They are common in many gardens and are often given as pass-me-down plants.

Evansias Iris

Evansias – These iris are commonly called crested and look somewhat like orchids in bloom. Their blooms range from very small to almost a foot in size and their leaves are evergreen. They are one of those flowers that you either love or hate; you see orchids or rooster-comb-like, messy flowers.

Japanese Iris

Japanese – These are easy to grow iris if you have the right place. The greatest need is soil a little on the acid side. The soil needs to be moist, but not waterlogged at all times. They need fast drainage, but not too fast. On the whole, if you have a place they love, they will reward you with some of the most stunning flowers in the iris kingdom.
Pacific Coast

Pacific Coast – These are the pickiest iris most gardeners will ever try to grow. They are easy to grow, bloom fast from seed, and are carefree – in the moist and mild areas they call home. However, they cannot take cold, heat, dry, or wet, well at all. They are stunning and can be grown in any area given a lot of prep, protection, and daily care. These iris, like the Aril, are not worth growing for most common gardeners outside of their native zone.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Did we mention that Valentine's day is only 10 days away?

Order EARLY for Carey's Flowers 'Romance Package'

Dazzle the one you love while looking like a superstar yourself!

Order before Wed. Feb. 9th and for $110.00 plus tax and delivery you get:

1 dozen long stems ruby red roses, a golden box of assorted chocolates, a Nantucket Rose Kringle Candle 3 oz. jar and a sugar love stuffed animal.

After Wed. Feb. 9th the 'Romance Package' will still be s steal of a deal at only $150.00!

The early birds also get their choice of which sugar love stuffed animal they would like included in their 'Romance Package'

You will not find the 'Romance Package' on our website, this is offered exclusively to our Facebook and Twitter friends.

We hope you all have a very Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Is buying in the grocery store really cheaper?

Do you ever wonder why you seem to be able to buy flowers cheaper in the grocery store?

This is because the super stores employ certain marketing tactics that a good honest florist never would.

Marketing tactic:
"Shrink Rays" is a tactic used by many retailers, grocery stores in particular, which allow them to offset the impact of inflation during a sagging economy.

For example: rather than raising the price, a manufacturer will put less chips in the same Chip bag and keep the price the same. The consumer will have no idea that there is less because the packaging remains the same.

These "Shrink Rays" are currently strong in force right now.

Keeping “Shrink Rays” in mind - when you go out to purchase let’s say a bunch of tulips. There are two types of bunches. The supermarkets will carry bunches of flowers called consumer bunches. In these bunches you will find 7 stems of flowers and you will pay ‘X’ amount of dollars for this bunch of flowers and feel as though you saved money. However if you buy your tulips from a florist you will get a florist bunch, which will always contain 10 stems of flowers. The choice as always is yours, the question that remains did you really save money?
And.....Just in case this lights your fire we are currently having a cash and carry SALE on Dutch tulips (10 stems to a bunch) 2 bunches for $12.00. That's 20 tulips for less than $15.00 in this dreadful winter weather!!!! :) Imagine how much better you would feel stuck in your home with some beautiful tulips to look at. The bunches are single color bunches but you can choose two different colors when you purchase your 2 for $12.00. These are ONLY offered as a walk in cash & carry, you walk out with your flowers in hand. You wont find this offered on our website, we don't deliver them, we share the beauty of spring with you and we hope you share the beauty of spring with someone you know that may be totally stuck inside this winter. Believe me when you deliver flowers to a shut in you can't get the image of their smiling face out of your head for the rest of the week, it's a FANTASTIC feeling.

Carey's Flowers SALE Dutch Tulips 2 Bunches for $12.00